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Inglés Empresarial
100 horas

  • Mejorar su Ingles en situaciones de negocio
  • Mejorar su capacidad para convencer en ingles
  • Activar vocabulario especifico empresarial
  • Aprender a producir y tratar documentación en ingles
  • Poder enfrentarse a un discurso oral en ingles

UD1. Grammar reference.

    1.1. Present perfect.
    1.2. Past perfect.
    1.3. Future: will.
    1.4. Modals: obligation and prohibition.
    1.5. Modals: advice.
    1.6. First conditional.
    1.7. Second conditional.
    1.8. Third conditional.
    1.9. Superlatives.
    1.10. Relative clauses.
    1.11. Passive voice.
    1.12. Reported speech.
    UD2. At work.
      2.1. Vocabulary for business relations.
      2.2. How to start a conversation. opening a bank account.
      2.3. How to handle complaints and advices.

    UD3. Basic documents.

      3.1. Appointments.
      3.2. Telephoning.
      3.3. Reports.
      3.4. Curriculum vitae & cover letters.
      3.5. Correspondence.
      3.6. Contracts.

    UD4. Management skills.

      4.1. Liderazgo.
      4.2. Cortesia.

    UD5. Giving an oral presentation.



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